Saturday, February 28, 2015

What I learn during Month on Connection

I had a really hard time with the delving into connection. Connection what does it really mean. What does it mean to me. Just like the painting "to breath life into". Is what I found Connection to meant to me. I think to development connection one needs to be present... in the moment... letting everything else fall away. Let's take talking on the phone with someone. how many times do you wash the dishes or continue reading your emails while on the phone. I'm so guilty of that. But when you stop all else all that you are doing and be truly present for the person you are talking with. Suddenly you really hear them, know whats important to them and connect.

I get so busy in the doing a don't stop and really be present. Mostly I don't stop to be present for myself. There is things I found out about myself I didn't even know. Here is a funny one. I always have my fried eggs easy over. Not because I like them that way but because I like the white part totally cooked. I really prefer sunny side up, with the white part totally cooked and yellows still runny,  hard to do. Here is a hard one. By not being present for myself I don't honor myself. That one was a bit hard to swallow and face.

I haven't finished the books I've been reading "37 days" and "Madly in love with me". I am really enjoying them. I know this will cut into the books I have picked for next month. I might have to pick just one.

I did do the cleanse this past week. It was easier than I thought it would be. Shake in the morning, regular meal for lunch and a shake for dinner. I had some side effects while on the cleanse. After talking to my father about it, we both concluded that I was probably releasing toxins faster than eliminating them. I plan to go back on the elimination diet for another 3 weeks and do the cleanse again. Keep you posted how and if it goes.

Next month Spirituality...

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Devling into Connection

So here we are three weeks into my study of Connection. Surprising things have come my way this month.
 First... things about money kept coming my way from blogs to people talking about it. The one thing that I really got into was the "Money love challenge" from Kate Northrup 21 easy to follow steps to make you more aware about your money. Money a love story her book is on my wish list.  One of the several things I did on her challenge was change the direction of my work station in my studio. I love working in there now.

Second was another book drew my attention "Madly in love with me" by Christine Arylo. I am enjoying the book and exercises. And I love how the more love you give to yourself, the more love you can give to other people. And in the context of connection the more I love myself and therefore the more connected I am to myself. The more I know myself and the more I can stand in the space of connection with other people. I can me more solid.

Third I'm also reading the book from my list "Life is a verb" by Patti Digh. Her story telling always make me burst out laughing. She has tons of action steps and journaling suggestions that are thought provoking. I haven't done the journaling but I have done some of the action steps one of my favorites is celebrating the little things. My office mates and I are going to celebrate something once a week. Why wait to only celebrate the big things, life is to short we need to celebrate more. I also just purchased her book "Creative is a verb" I am sure I'm going to love it.

Fourth was a surprise free e-course from Brave Girls club "The thing about Love" She had this awesome project listing the little things you can do to show love and what the outcome is. Here is my project.

 I now have it beside the connection painting. It is a great little reminder of little steps I can do every day to be more connected to myself and others.

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Saturday, February 14, 2015

February Art Piece

Every time I thought about Connection the image of Michealangelo's painting in the Sistine Chapel with the two fingers are barely touching would pop into my head. I couldn't understand why this image would pop into my head. And as I thought about creating an art piece it would not go away. When I looked it up in Wikipedia this is what it said

"The Creation of Adam is a fresco painting by Michelangelo, forming part of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted circa 1511–1512. It illustrates the Biblical creation narrative from the Book of Genesis in which God breathes life into Adam, the first man.

Breathing life into... isn't that what connection is all about breathing life into your family.. partner...yourself. When you give your attention to something you are creating a connection and by default breathing life into it. Now it made total sense why this particular image keep saying use me! use me! use me!

Sorry I forgot to take pictures while I was creating. Now it sits in my living room to remind me of my month of Connection and breathing life into things. 

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Saturday, February 7, 2015

February word of the Month

February word of month is connection. Connection another loaded word, it could be a focus on…. Connection with my beloved… connection with friends and family… connection with the world… connection with spirit….what I connect with. When I thought of the word connection originally I was thinking connecting with myself, my body, my thoughts. Being present to how I connect with those around me. I think I will follow this path and see where it leads me. Again I am going to keep my action steps simple.

My first action step will be journaling. I believe most of this work will be done with writing and reflecting on my day and interactions with myself and others. And of course it will be the easiest action step since I already have the habit of journaling from last month.

My second action step will be reading. This worked so well last month that I decided to continue with this kind of action step. Plus with the added bonus of reading of my favorite activities built in... happy factor. Yeah! I've chosen these two books.

Keeping my reading list shorter this month. 6 books last month there was no way. Can you say "over achiever". LOL I'm learning. I'm finishing up Revive shortly but I'm itching to jump into these books.

My third action step is giving a hug every day. This will be big stretch for me ... imagine this being said in the big echoy voice "Going outside my comfort zone" That is what this work is all about right? I'm already feeling the panicy tightness in my chest. LOL From what I figure, hugs release Oxytocin the bonding/feeling yummy hormone. What better way to practice connection but hugs. Yes hugging myself counts.

What have you been working on so far?

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