Steampunk has always fascinated me. When a art class turned up incorporated these elements into art I had to jump on it. I learned a lot in this class. Not only in how to add the elements of gears in art to create the look of Steampunk but so many details as well.
The first piece we created was this squirrel
It was a great piece to get our feet wet with adding gears into a piece but also in shading. The goggles on the squirrel is a rubber gasket used in plumbing that I painted on giving the look the depth. The second piece we worked on was this Butterfly
Making the body out of nuts, bolts and jewelry pieces was my favorite part. E600 is now my most favorite glue. Our next piece was this Owl
This piece is why I took the class. The teacher rendition of the owl was so beautiful. When it came time to actually make it I didn't think I would be able to create the eyes. I still can't believe it sometimes when I look at it. Our next piece was the beetle
I took a different approach to this piece. The instruction were more for a beetle with painted gears. I went for a mechanical beetle under construction. Out last piece was this girl
This was the hardest piece for me. I really don't draw faces well to begin with and with paint even worst. I can't tell you how many times I had to repaint her nose. I learned so much with the piece, where to put shadows and highlights and actually painting a face.
My favorite piece that would be hard to pick between the girl, Owl and butterfly. Each of these pieces taught me something. The play of shadow and highlighting to give depth and dimension to what is being painted. I can leave out the beetle where I went in a different direction from the class.
The teacher is creating a second Steampunk class. Can't wait to see what she has in store for that one.
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