Saturday, February 14, 2015

February Art Piece

Every time I thought about Connection the image of Michealangelo's painting in the Sistine Chapel with the two fingers are barely touching would pop into my head. I couldn't understand why this image would pop into my head. And as I thought about creating an art piece it would not go away. When I looked it up in Wikipedia this is what it said

"The Creation of Adam is a fresco painting by Michelangelo, forming part of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted circa 1511–1512. It illustrates the Biblical creation narrative from the Book of Genesis in which God breathes life into Adam, the first man.

Breathing life into... isn't that what connection is all about breathing life into your family.. partner...yourself. When you give your attention to something you are creating a connection and by default breathing life into it. Now it made total sense why this particular image keep saying use me! use me! use me!

Sorry I forgot to take pictures while I was creating. Now it sits in my living room to remind me of my month of Connection and breathing life into things. 

Thanks for stopping by


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